Wikihouse – sau cum sa debitezi automat un cotet de lux pentru gaini!

Am gasit acest articol foarte bine scris si documentat despre un domn, Alastair Parvin, care si-a propus sa ofere gratuit proiecte de case pe care le poate construi oricine are o masina CNC de taiat lemn si mult timp liber. Practic, el propune un proiect alcatuit din piese taiate din tego sau OSB care se imbina cu suruburi si cu alte piese de lemn, alcatuind cadre pe care se poat monta apoi OSB si finisaje. Tipul asta zice ca era student la arhitectura in ultimul an cand si-a dat seama ca nu e bine ce se intampla in lume, si ca orice tanar responsabil vrea sa o salveze. Toata prezentarea lui e o aberatie, dar trist este ca lumea il crede si are o groaza de adepti. Nu are rost sa explic de ce e o tampenie toata treaba, sunt convins ca  oamenii inteligenti vor intelege si singuri.

Eu, ca orice roman inventiv, sunt convins ca poti fabrica niste cotete de gaini sau custi de caini in serie cu un astfel de design. Deci aviz amatorilor de afaceri noi. Mai jos ii voi scrie un mesaj in engleza, poate il vede vreodata. Eu nu ma pricep sa scriu asa frumos ca dna arh. Ligia Stafie asa ca va rog sa scuzati stilul direct si mistocar. E doar un pamflet!

I will write this article in English too, in order that mister Alastair Parvin understands what he is doing and stops making fun of people’s savings.

So! Dear mister Alastair Parvin, as an former architecture student, you,more than others should understand what this profession is all about.  Your project wikihouse is the worst thing that you can do to poor people that cannot afford a house. I will explain it, in an uncomplicated way, for you: wikihouse provide just a structure project for a “house”, and also encourage people to think that building a house is much more cheaper than truly is. If you don’t know (because you are young and you have no experience in constructions) the cost of the structure is 30% from the total cost of a house. You are providing a  structure suitable for a hen-coop  and people will have to spend quite a lot of money afterwards to make it habitable and call it “home sweet home”.  If you want people to build houses by themselves I will provide you a full project to distribute free. I think it will be more beneficial… for everybody.

And here you can find an example of how the project wikihouse was used: adica o casa pentru copii.



Dear Mister Mayor Oprescu, this is the chance to worldwide distribute your earthquake emergency kit.

While only five percent of buildings with seismic risk in Bucharest have been rehabilitated, the city purchased 4,000 first aid kits in case of earthquake, with whistle, bars and food hygiene wipes. If in 2012 the Hall has spent 100,000 euros on kits, this year the investment is estimated at 220,000 euros.

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